
Chanel – Aston Martin

I only owned one thing from Chanel and it was fragrance Allure. But it was not that extremely popular like other brands, it had something different! Since the Chanel introduced to fashion market, Chanel did not focus on agressive marketing strategy to extend the brand to extremey edge. They were offering clothes to women and they still many offer cloths to women. For marketing and financial perspective, Armani is doing better as they offer Armani brand in different segment and for different target groups. On the other hand, targeting many groups has the hidden danger of killing being exclusive! We can see Louis Vuitton hand bag in anywhere on this planet and I cannot say LV is very exclusive brand. Also there are not many Chanel stores like LV stores! However, you don’t notice Chanel bag or anything with Chanel very easily, unless you know Chanel quite well! Only people who know Chanel can notice you! And you should a female to have this privilege.
There is similar brand to Chanel in automotive industry, Aston Martin. Like Chanel, Aston Martin suffered financial problems, lack of sufficient demand but never focused on revealing an SUV (except concept vehicle) or extending product range which are not affiliated with Aston Martin. You can recognize Aston Martin easily from its exhaust noise but not everyone can understand this. Aston Martin is a noticeable car with its magnificent design like Chanel but some people cannot recognize the brand very easily unlike Ferrari. Also you cannot buy Aston Martin from everywhere, it has quite limited dealer network. And people who want to be really exclusive prefer Aston Martin, knowing that a Ferrari can offer better technology or a Porsche offers better comfort and safety. That’s the thing which keeps unique brand alive!
I am not fashion expert, for any mistakes or errors please leave a comment :)
Picture are from;
Vogue UK Website
Aston Martin Website