
Rapid Response – Movie

18 years ago, in 2001, Alex Zanardi had a massive accident. Whilst for many, this may seem a distant memory, I still remember it very clearly. A few days ago, I watched a movie, Rapid Response, that featured the accident.

Rapid Response narrates the track safety from the primitive stages of racing to the latest modern state. Driver safety has been a bumpy and a brutal journey. In the early years of Indy Car Racing, racing drivers pushed their lives to the edge of their luck. Sadly, safety improved at a much slower rate than the speed at which race cars have developed increased performance and faster laps.

Rapid Response unfolds the stories behind how motor racing progressed to become safer and the dedication of key people to save drivers from dreadful crashes. Whilst the movie did not cover Formula 1 racing, it was clear that the improvements narrated have had an indirect impact on Formula 1 racing as well.

Rapid Response is in theatres now and I would highly recommend watching it!

Rapid Response Movie

Rapid Response Movie

Rapid Response Movie

Rapid Response Movie

Rapid Response Movie

Rapid Response Movie

Rapid Response Movie

Rapid Response Movie

Rapid Response Movie

Rapid Response Movie

Rapid Response Movie

Rapid Response Movie