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Leica M Monochrom: Full Frame Black and White

Leica M Monochrom, you didn’t read wrong or I did not make a typo. Leica recently introduced a monochrome (black/white) digital camera. For many people, they will say this “why”. Let me explain, before the digital camera era, you had opportunity to take black and white photos with black and white film. In those years, the films were available as colour or black and white.

However, as the technology developed and we throw out analogue cameras. Thus, taking black and white photos turned into a problem. Unlike old times, the modern digital cameras use filters to turn coloured photos into black and white. This may not sound that bad, but for professionals it is not something that nice. Because, the original photos is manipulated by software and the quality is definitely reduced.

So, Leica introduced a full frame 35mm (18-mega pixel) digital camera with changeable lens. Leica M Monochrom enables you to take pure black and white photos without any software manipulation and bring very high quality results. Moreover, M Monochrom offers full manual modes, so that you have the full control of the camera. Additionally, you can use any lens that matches with your purpose. Thanks to black and white full frame sensor, the light sensivity of Leica M Monochrom is better than colour cameras and provide better results, the highest ISO level is 10000 with very low noise ratio.

Price of Leica M Monochrom is around £6000. Why so expensive? Because, full frame sensors are nearly twenty times more expensive manufacture than normal sized one. As a result of this, the price of the camera jumps to this level.

For more technical details please check the Leica’s website

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