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Nuuna: Probably the Best UX Designer Notebook

Nowadays, it has become less common to see a review of a notebook on a website. While we all try to embrace digital life, there is absolutely still room for a notebook. Especially if you are a user experience designer!

That’s what I do for a living. I am a user experience designer – not a blogger. So, I need to draw quick designs, and sadly digital tools can be a nightmare to use, meaning I always need a notebook to hand. Finding the perfect notebook, however, is an experience! The issue with many notebooks is the paper quality. Some notebooks (most of them) can’t cope with marker pens, fountain pens or anything that can throw a vast amount of ink onto the paper.

Because of this, I appreciate a good notebook when I find one, and recently I found a great one – Nuuna. I actually used a Nuuna notebook 5-6 years ago and decided to try them one more time, and it is now even better than before. Using the notebook is an experience in itself; you don’t buy a notebook, you buy something that looks extremely beautiful.

The paper quality is beyond anything I could have imagined after years of disappointing notebooks. Unlike other beautiful looking notebooks, Nuuna has high quality but low thickness paper, meaning it doesn’t take up too much space in your backpack, and also isn’t heavy to carry around.

The best part is that you can use any pen to hand without any problems. Even if the first pen you come across is a permanent marker like a Sharpie, yes it is a bit brutal on the paper, but it can handle it.

For sketching user interfaces or new ideas, I couldn’t recommend Nuuna enough. I would also highly recommend the dotted versions so that you can have a screen experience on paper.

Here is their website

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